Simple Summer Strawberry Cake

Simple Summer Strawberry Cake


1-1/2 cups universally handy flour, spooned into quantifying cup and evened out off
1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons unsalted margarine, relaxed, in addition to something else for lubing the container
1 cup in addition to 2 tablespoons sugar, isolated
1 enormous egg
1 teaspoon vanilla concentrate
1/2 cup milk (low fat is fine)
Around 3/4 pound strawberries, hulled and split

Preheat the stove to 350°F and spread a 9-inch thicker style pie skillet or 9-inch square cake container.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt. Put away.
In the bowl of an electric blender, beat the margarine and 1 cup of the sugar until pale and fleecy, around 3 minutes. Add the egg and vanilla and beat on low speed until very much joined. Slowly add the flour blend, rotating with the milk, and beat on low speed until smooth. (Note: the player will be extremely thick.)
Move the player into the pre-arranged skillet and smooth with a spatula (assuming you utilize a square cake container, the hitter will just come around 3/4-inch up the sides of the dish - - that is completely fine). Orchestrate the strawberries on top, cut side down, so they totally cover the hitter (the formula calls for around 3/4 pound of strawberries; utilize pretty much if essential). Sprinkle the excess 2 tablespoons of sugar over the strawberries.Cheesy-garlic-parmesan-spinach.
Prepare for ten minutes, then, at that point, decrease the hotness to 325°F and heat until the cake is delicately brilliant and an analyzer confesses, about 60 minutes. Allow the cake to cool in the dish on a rack. Present with improved whipped cream or vanilla frozen yogurt, whenever wanted. Appreciate it !!!

Simple Summer Strawberry Cake VIDEO

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